Monday, June 04, 2012

Grocery Shopping

As we sat down to eat some supper tonight before swim lessons, Caden informed me that he wasn't going to go to the grocery store when he was big.  He was just going to stay at home.  He followed up with saying his mom was going to get do his grocery shopping for him. 

Me?  "I'm going to do your grocery shopping?" I asked.

No, he adamantly replied, my mom when I get big.  After explaining I'll always be his mommy, we discovered he really meant his wife. 

Yeah he said, my wife will do the grocery shopping, and I'll stay home. 

At six he has it all figured out.

I wonder what his wife will have to save in another few decades!

1 comment:

SkyMommy said...

That's hilarious. Funnily enough I HATE grocery shopping with a passion, have since I was a kid. Joel on the other hand really loves it. Works out perfectly for both of us.