Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Out of the Spin Cycle

It took me quite awhile to get through these devotions, but they were so great.  And I'd recommend it for any mom. 


·         Paul goes to share the Good News to the Romans who God seeks too

·         All people are sinful, don’t give thanks or glory to God

·         God judges all the same; when we judge, we judge ourselves guilty too because we are also sinful

·         A true Jew is a Jew on the inside too, not just outside (circumcision)

·         God trusted Jews with His laws, but having the law isn’t enough, following it is, but we cannot be made right with the law, the law shows us our sin

·         We are made right by faith in Jesus

·         Abraham’s FAITH made him right with God not works or deeds

·         Abraham is father of all believers, circumcised and not

·         Faith in God through Jesus is enough

·         Because of Jesus: faith = peace, grace, hope, joy

·         Trouble produce patience; patience produces character; character products hope; hope = no disappointment

·         Jesus made us God’s friends again (not anger enemies)

·         Adam’s 1st act = sin; Jesus 1st act = salvation

·         We shared Jesus death in our baptism – new life, old life dead so sin doesn’t have power over us

·         Not under law (sin); under God’s grace

·         Not slaves to sin; slaves to goodness

·         Law showed us what sin is; sin used something good (law) to bring death

·         Sin & goodness in each of us warring for our time and attention (mind=slave to God’s law; sinful self = slave to the law of sin)

·         Follow the spirit, not sin; Spirit helps you avoid sinful ways

·         God will finish making us His children in glory = freedom

·         Hope is what we cannot see

·         We don’t know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit speaks for us

·         The law cannot make you right with God

·         Believe in our hearts and proclaim with our mouths so we are saved

·         God calls people to share the Good News

·         God of mercy

·         Pray; love; use your gifts; be humble; work for God; don’t punish others; help others

·         Obey the law and rules put there by God

·         Owe others nothing but love

·         Loving your neighbor is following all other rules; love doesn’t hurt a neighbor

·         Don’t’ criticize other’s methods for following God

·         Do not cause other to sin

·         Paul wants to reach those who haven’t heard the Good News, not build on someone else’s start

·         Paul needs prayer support from others in his work

Tuesday, September 03, 2019


  • Luke writes another book about what Jesus tells the followers after the resurrection
  • Jesus was lifted up to heaven, hidden by a cloud
  • Apostles chose Mathias as their 12th to replace Judas
  • Pentecost: the Holy Spirit came and they all spoke different languages, many people were there from many areas and languages but they all head them in their native tongue
  • Peter talks about all this fulfilling prophecy
  • Believers are together, sharing everything and adding new believers daily
  • Peter heals a ma begging at the temple gate who begins walking and praising God
  • Peter asks why people are surprised at the healing for they just sent Jesus to die, but they did not know and the prophecy must come true
  • Peter and John are arrested for their teaching; the Holy Spirit guided their words; isn't it good a man was healed?  all because of Jesus
  • Only Jesus saves
  • Jewish leaders didn't want message of Peter and John to spread and told them not to speak, but they refused, obeyed God and continued to speak
  • When released Peter and John went to their group of believers who prayed for the situation
  • Believers lived in community and shared everything
  • A couple lied about the amount of money they sold their land for and both died
  • Apostles heal many
  • Apostles were arrested and angels let them out during the night to continue teaching at the temple
  • A teacher warned the leaders to no fight them; for they may be fighting God Himself and if not, human plans will fail
  • Apostles were joyful they could suffer for Jesus
  • Leaders are selected in the group of believers so the apostles can keep teaching
  • Stephen, one of the leaders, is accused but he spoke with the Spirit
  • Stephen gave a speech about Abraham and Moses and the Old Testament prophecy coming true and the people were still stubborn and un-listening
  • The people became mad and stoned Steven to death as he asked God to take his spirit and not hold sins against those throwing stones at him
  • Trouble came from the believers and they were scattered around, but they kept teaching and sharing the Good News
  • Philip (not apostle) was teaching in Samaria and a magician, Simon, believed, but tried to buy the power to heal and give the Holy Spirit; Philip told him to change his ways because it cannot be bought
  • Simon goes on to teach an important Ethiopian on the road who was reading Isaiah; Simon baptizes him
  • Saul persecuted believers and was arresting them and taking them to Jerusalem, but walking one day saw a bright light, heard Jesus and was blinded
  • Saul's group led him to Damascus where as Jesus said, Ananias came and gave sight when fish scale like somethings fell from his eyes
  • Saul stays with the followers and begins preaching, growing number of believers
  • Peter heals a paralyzed Aeneas
  • Peter heals Tabitha who was always kind and did good deeds and gave her life
  • Cornelius, a good man, sees an angel that tells him to find Simon Peter so he does and brings him back
  • Angela appear to Simon Peter and tell him God was made things clean and go with them without hesitation
  • They all learn anyone can believe and be saved, not just Jews
  • Peter goes back and shared that message about all countries able to be saved
  • Barnabas and Saul taught at Antioch for 1 year where we were first called Christians
  • Herod ordered James killed by sword; the Jews liked it so he arrested Peter too; the church prayed for Peter
  • The night before the trial, an angel came and walked Peter out of jail; Peter went to Mary's house where people were gathered praying then left for somewhere else
  • Herod couldn't find Peter and ordered the guards who were watching him killed
  • Herod made a speech the people said came from the voice of God; Herod didn't give glory to God and got sick, ate by worms, and died
  • Believers fasted and prayed and Barnabas and Saul are selected for special work and sent out
  • Barnabas and Saul encountered a magician who wanted to hear God's message, but he was against them and struck blind
  • Paul gives a speech about God, history and Jesus
  • Jews were against Christians
  • Paul and Barnabas continue teaching
  • God shows His love for all nations with rain and crops
  • To God, non-Jews and Jews are the same with a clean heart when they believe (ex: no circumcision needed)
  • Continued teaching and revisited the churches and those who had become believers to encourage them with strength and news of more believers
  • Timothy, who traveled with Paul, had parents of different countries/faiths - Jewish turned believer and Greek, he was also circumcised as an adult
  • Paul sees a vision and knows where to travel next to tell the Good News
  • Lydia's mind is opened and she believed
  • Paul and Silas sent a demon from an enslaved girl and her owners then knew she wouldn't make money for them so they had Paul and Silas arrested
  • During the night an earthquake broke open the jail and cells and the guard was going to kill himself when they stopped him because they were all still there
  • The guard believed and took them to his house
  • Paul was preaching Old Testament scriptures, those of prophecy
  • Jews were angry about growing believers and made Jason (housing Paul and Silas) pay a sum of money for believers to go free
  • Some town and people were more willing to hear the Good News than others
  • Paul taught in Corinth for 1.5 years and was a tentmaker with Aquilla and Priscilla
  • There were lots of believers who didn't travel around sharing Good News (i.e. it's okay to do work where you are here and not travel as a missionary too)
  • Apollos believed and was teaching about God, but Aquilla and Priscilla helped him to know more and teach a better way
  • Apollos taught the baptism of John (changed hears and lives for what is to come (Jesus)) until Aquilla and Priscilla taught him
  • On his late night in town, Paul stayed up late talking with people
  • Paul hurried and chose routes to not be late to Pentecost in Jerusalem
  • Paul was committed to follow Holy Spirit and share the Good News at the cost of his own life
  • People tried to stop Paul from going because he was wanted dead, but Paul was ready to give everything for the Good News
  • Paul is attacked by the angry mob and arrested because of the trouble he is causing
  • The commander thought he was someone else who had done something wrong because hw wasn't the arresting commander, he let Paul speak to the Jews
  • Paul tells his tory as a Jew who persecuted believers, was struck blind, believed, could see and taught non-Jews the Good News
  • The Jewish leaders want to know why people hate him so, because he believers people rise from the dead
  • 40+ Jews plot to kill Paul and fast until it is done, but Paul's nephew learns of this plan and warns him
  • Commander is protecting Paul because he was born a Roman citizen and only broke Jewish laws, not Roman law
  • Jews saw Paul as a troublemaker, but Jews and Paul and Christians believe in the same God
  • Felix the governor was curious and learning from Paul's speaking, but didn't judge him innocent, kept him guarded but with some freedoms and spent time talking and sharing together
  • Felix left Paul in prison to please the Jews then he was replaced as governor
  • Festus, new governor, sees Paul and his accusers and at Paul's request agree to sent him to Cesar since they can't find fault with Paul
  • Before Paul went to Cesar, King Agrippa wanted to hear what Paul had to say
  • Festus doesn't know what to write to Cesar since he found nothing against Paul (He didn't break Roman law.) but the Jews want him dead
  • Paul tells his story and King and Festus know he could go free, but Paul wanted to see Cesar
  • Paul sails for Rom, a big storm came, carrying them for 2 weeks and an angel told Paul they would be safe but the ship would not be
  • Paul's journey to Rome was several moths and lots of healing happened in Malta on the way
  • In Rome, Paul met with the Jewish leaders and some believed, some did not
  • The Jewish leaders in Rome had heard of his group of believers but nothing to take him to trial
  • Paul stayed and preaching in Rome in a rented house for 2 years