Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Caleb's First Loose Tooth

Saturday morning, Caleb comes me to saying his tooth is bleeding.

Without giving it too much thought, I explained that your tooth itself can't bleed, and I'm sure everything was fine he must have just bumped it on something.

An hour or so later, he was saying the same thing again.  While there was no blood, a glass of water let him relax that the blood was washed away and all was well.

Then meal time came.

And his tooth hurt. 

Keith and I immediately asked if it was loose.

Caleb adamantly said no, but a quick tooth wiggle from Daddy confirmed that he indeed has his first loose tooth!

Although, nothing has been said about it since Saturday, it's now Wednesday.  We may be waiting awhile!

But someone sure is excited for the tooth fairy!

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