Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Questions I Wish I Didn't Have to Answer

Tonight we had a scheduled visit for the boys with their biological mother.

It is one of my *cough* favorite times of the month.  (I wish there was a good way for sarcasm to show in text format.)  I think I'd rather it be that time of the month every two weeks than sit through these visits, but I know it is important for those boys to understand and know who they are.  So every two weeks, I put a smile on my face, and we talk about going to their other mommy's house. 

Tonight, on the way home from day care, they were asking questions about it as usual and I was answering them.  Tonight, they had a question that brought tears to my eyes.  Their questions went something like this:

We're going to Camerin's house?

Why Camerin no come to our house?

Why Camerin no come sleep in his bed anymore?

Why Camerin no come play at our house?

And as I quickly thought through my head what I should say, I opted for the truth. 

Camerin doesn't want to come play at our house anymore sweeties.  I'm sorry.

And that's all there was to say.  I couldn't lie to them.  It wasn't right.

My boys look up to their big brother.  They love him, and they love play with him.  And when he suddenly stop coming to our house every other weekend, the boys never said too much about it, until now.  It breaks my heart to disappoint them, especially for something so silly to me.  Camerin informed my husband a month or so ago that he didn't want to come stay at our house anymore.  He wasn't going to come stay at our house until his brothers could come and stay at his house.  (Due to circumstances and safety, that will not be happening.)  But to us, we're concerned he'll regret the decisions he's made as a 7 year old, but mostly I pray for them.  When asked, his mother informed us he was old enough to make his own life decision.  

 I hope my boys are able to maintain a relationship with their brother.  Regardless of the situation, they are brothers, and that is a relationship that should last a lifetime.  So, I pray for all of them/us.

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