Friday, August 13, 2010


Step-parenting can be hard, and it can look vastly different in every case.  I hope my situation is the rarity, but I struggled with many things becoming a new parent.  One of the biggest things that helped me through everything was talking with out mom's out there.  I talked with several of the people I work with, who were incredibly supportive and willing to listen.  For that, I will be forever grateful. 

I talked with a pretty awesome mom recently, who also happens to be one of my co-workers I was traveling with for some meetings.  She's a mom to three, her oldest is her step-daughter.  I rarely talk to other moms who have step-kids, and I have to say that just talking with her about her experiences, made me feel like I wasn't the only one who's gone through these struggles that come with blended families!  To find someone to connect with on that level was such a great feeling for me.  It made me feel like I wasn't on so much of an island of my own anymore. 

I am very thankful for our conversation, and I hope that my thank-you email to her can express the difference she made in my day, just by being an open an honest mom, and I have a new great deal of respect for her as a mom and as a co-worker!

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