Tuesday, August 03, 2010

If it's yellow, let it mellow...

... if it's brown flush it down.

Is apparently the rule Caden follows.  Flushing the toilet is now optional.

Nearly every time I got to the bathroom, I pick up the lid to find pee.  There is ALWAYS pee in my toilet.  We could have just come home from being gone for an entire weekend camping or something, and there would still be pee in my toilet.  Let me just tell you, pee that has sat in the toilet bowl all weekend is not something you want to smell.

He goes so far as to not just not flush the toilet, but he hides it by closing the lid.  So if I go into the bathroom just to wash my hands, I won't notice that he didn't bother to flush. 

Fortunately, I think he abides by the if it's brown flush it down rule as I have yet to find poop in my toilet, but not that I'm sharing that, I have a feeling I'll be finding a surprise soon. 

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