Saturday, August 07, 2010

Maximizing Space

I have ran out of places to store certain things.  And the size of our family and in interest of being cost effective, we buy some things in large quantities.  Toilet paper is one of those items!  I don't know where to keep it because I've run our of room in the pantry where we had been keeping it.  So I came up with a new idea!

There is a door in our house that we never close.  I'm not sure why the door is even there really.  It stands open all the time creating this great little triangular space between to door and the corner and walls behind it.

It's our new toilet paper storage area, and not a guest in the house has noticed.  I'm not even sure my kids have found it yet!


Robin said...

Next time I'm at your house I'm going to look behind all the doors until I find your stash :-P

Beth said...

You're too funny! You're the reason I didn't post pictures! I figures you're the only one who reads it that would actually be in my house, and I didn't want to display it!

I have to keep the mystery there for you.