Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My thoughts on a week of single parenting.

Hubby left early Sunday morning for work a couple states away for the week.  I am  grateful for him having a good job, with a great company, and most importantly that it's something he wants to do.  I'm also grateful that he doesn't often have to travel for work!  I realize I travel maybe a half dozen times a year for work and leave him home with the kids, but this is a first to have the tables turned, and I am not a fan!

Fortunately Keith was able to call last night for a very quick good night to the fellow for the first time since he'd been gone.  He was able to call tonight for a bit longer, and they boys had LOTS to tell him about!  I only wish Keith had had more time to listen to their stories. 

He hasn't been able to call much, especially after he first left, but it's not so bad now! It's just hard to catch the kids while they're awake! Aside from that, I miss having someone around to help out with the kids; I miss someone around to talk to about my day.  Luckily I have an awesome friend at work, who listens to me.

Keith called today, and there is a very good chance that he won't be coming home tomorrow as planned.  This did not make me a happy camper!  Not only was I disappointed about him not being home to spend time with us, but I also had to go home and tell the kids tonight that Daddy wasn't coming home tomorrow as planned.  However, it went surprisingly well.  Caden didn't have anything to say.  Caleb said: "Oh? Next week?"  I'm not sure they've fully grasped the concept of time yet at 4!

The other complaint I have about him not coming home tomorrow, is that we're supposed to leave on vacation on Friday.  It's hard to plan and prepare for a vacation that we no longer know when we're leaving for.  We won't be able to leave as early, Keith won't have a night to rest at home, and I go from a week of single parenting to a LOT of car time with two four year old boys.  I think my stress levels might be slightly elevated by the time we arrive at Idlewild Park! (Luckily, in non-me style, I've procrastinated booking us a place to stay, so we don't have that to worry about!)

The thing is, I feel guilty about all of those feelings I shared above!  I know that I am lucky  to have a hubby who is home evenings and weekends with us and who is a great help around the house and with the kids.  I shouldn't complain about doing the single parent thing, and honestly, that part of it hasn't been bad at all.  I just miss him.  And even then, it's only 5 days.  Even while I was in college we saw each other for only a few days at a time once or twice a month, and I didn't mind that one bit.  Although, I was in college, and not the mother of twin boys at the time!  I also know there are plenty of wives who's husbands are frequently away from home whether it be traveling for work or serving our country in the military. I am thankful that he is home with us so much!

My hope is that I learn something from this experience. I want to remember this week, and how it felt while he was gone when he's home, and we're arguing over something or mad about this or that.  That maybe I take him less for granted and be more grateful for the wonderful man I am lucky to call my husband. 

Keith on Our Wedding Day
Sorry it's such poor quality.
Unlike so many other bloggers out there, I am NOT the creative, artistic type. I'm a data girl.


Robin said...
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Robin said...

Good post... I know I've felt that way the few times Eric was out of town or just working really late. It makes me very thankful that I have someone I can always count on. I hope you have a great vacation!

Beth said...

I miss visiting you Robin! :) Hopefully we'll see each other in August!