Thursday, February 02, 2012

5 Months from Today

Five months from today is our estimated due date!

Three months from today our boys turn 6.  SIX!  I can't believe it.  I've made the call to sign up for a time slot of kindergarten registration!  I know we did it last year, but it's for real this time.  A part of me is glad though that I should be on maternity leave when they start school in the fall.  

I stepped on the scale this morning and have gained enough weight now to push me over my pre-pregnancy weight.  I've officially gained back everything I lost, plus a 1/2 a pound.  I'm now weighting in at 140.5. 

I wish the thought of gaining the appropriate amount of weight didn't worry me so much. 

I've officially decided we're painting the nursery a light gray in color.  Now, to decide on the correct shade and get the husband on board to get this painting done! 

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