Thursday, April 25, 2013

Playing in the Gray Area

In a recent performance review I had at work, my boss complimented me on my ability to "play" in the gray area. My job is very full of gray area. There is little black and white when it comes to underwriting. I've always known this about my job and just gotten on with it, never giving it much thought.

Then my boss called it out in my review, and I started thinking about it.

Playing in the gray area is something I do often, more than just when I'm at work.

Parenting is a very gray area.

There are so many choices we make as parents, and none of the are right or wrong, just different. We all choose what works best for our kids and our families.

Aside from those bigger decisions, I find gray area every day in parenting in trying to decide how to teach them about respect and appropriate behavior. I pray about how to handle situations sometimes, though not nearly as often as I should.

It's all about being comforatable playing in the gray area and dealing with a changing game every day. 

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