Monday, April 15, 2013

Elinore - 9.5 Month Review

Dear Elinore,
You turned 9 months old. 9 months! I know I'm late again to getting this down, but it's probably because I'm too busy playing with you and your brothers to sit down and write.

You are developing into your own little person; you know what you like and you aren't afraid to let us know. You are delightful, and generally a very happy baby!

When I hold you, you like to bite my shoulder. You usually leave a sloppy mark on my sleeve and you drool and chew on my shoulder. It's always my right shoulder too.

You make the cutest fishy face.

In the last week you've finally started waving! You started waving to Daddy when I was holding you and you've been practicing a lot! Sometimes I'm not even sure what you're waving at. I keep hoping you're going to wave to me one day when I leave you at the sitters for they day, but you just sit and smile. Your hands are too busy with toys to wave. You waved one day after I left at lunch time last week, but that was it.

Speaking of lunch time visits, they've been decreasing in the last few weeks. I've been busier at work and had meetings, and you seem to be doing well. Our schedules aren't aligning as well, and I like being able to get home earlier, especially as we're hopefully getting some spring weather to stay! I'm not sure what the future brings with these visits, but we'll see. I hope to keep at least a one day a week visit at lunch, even if it isn't to nurse, just to see you there in that environment and talk to your sitters to know what's going on.

You said MAMA last week! FINALLY! I've been waiting ever so patiently to hear it. In the last few weeks I've really been encouraging you to get it out and you have!

Sometimes you're with your Daddy and you'll crawl around with your arms moving your head around to look for me and you'll listen for the sound of my voice in the house. I like to play peek-a-boo with you when you find me or just scoop you up for smiles and giggles.

I think one of your first words might be dog. I think your Daddy and I heard it from you over the weekend, but you are fascinated with Belle. You reach for her when she's around; you watch her run around the house and you "pet" her, a.k.a. pull her hair!

You like Otis too, and I think you would like if she came around more, but she's a sneaky cat who tries to avoid the dog. You like to watch her and pull her hair too.

You are really learning to use your pointer finger. You like to stick it out and touch things or try to do things with it. When your Daddy peels an orange with you, you like to stick your finger in the top to separate it before Daddy can get it done.

You and your brothers still have a fantastic sibling bond.  They tolerate you grabby hands in their hair and in their face as you reach for them to do many things with them while they're trying to tell a story. 

Just the other day Caleb came in to tell us something and you were there in front of him grabbing his hands and face and pulling on his shirt while he was talking.  Your Daddy and I could hardly stop laughing to listen to what he had to stay and he just kept talking while you pushed him around. 

They like to play with you and are very watchful over you too.  It's sweet to see them be protective big brothers.  Speaking of your brothers I hope brother or their names are some of your first words too.  I think they'll love to hear it from you!  You are already searching the room when you hear them, or when you hear noise you think they're making!  You keep an eye on them all the time as they play around.

You crawl all over the place now with your arms!  You still aren't on your hands and knees, but you get around so well without it I think you're doing just fine!  We'll be in the living room and you will crawl into your bedroom to get toys now.  Or you're getting brave enough to crawl out onto the dinning room floor now too.  You used to crawl to the edge of the carpet and slap the hard flooring with you hand, but now you'll crawl out onto it.  One time you even got all the way to the dog dishes and had spilled the dog water on yourself before you got to you.  You weren't a fan of the wet dog water as your tears quickly let us know!

As the weather has perked up a bit every once in awhile in the last month we've taken you outside on walks, and you love them!  No matter where we are or what we're doing, you love the wind in your hair. 

We put up the swing you received for Easter too, and you love swinging on it.  More wind in your hair of course!

Elinore, we love you so.  You are loved.



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