Saturday, September 15, 2012

Do Nothing

Thursday evening I was driving the kids into the fairgrounds for the last night of the county fair and they saw a sign for the Army.  They've asked questions about it recently and learned about people that choose to be a solider when they grow up. 

That night they started talking about being whatever they want to be when they grow up, which I encouraged.  Then they continued to say that they could be soldiers or policemen or firemen, or be nothing, like mommy

I think I might have choked on my spit, or giggled or sat silently in shock for a moment. 

I may still be on maternity leave for another week and a half, but I certainly haven't been doing nothing.  So I asked a few questions to which they clarified their point.

Yeah, we can go to work all day and do nothing like you. 


I tried to explain that I'm an underwriter, but I went through a formal 14 month training program and another 9 months of on the job training before I handled my own territory and I still  didn't really know what I was doing in the complicated world of insurance!  How on earth do you explain that to a kindergartener!?

I'll be making more of an effort to talk about what I do now.

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