Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You need to go potty?

Not too long ago, Caden and I were out alone for a Mommy and Caden morning.  We spent the morning running errands and went to the store for some items.  I took him out to lunch where he wanted, which happened to be Applebee's. 

Throughout the meal, he and the waiter were very chatty.  It was cute, and another realization for me that he is becoming such a big boy!  

Toward the end of our meal, he and the waiter are chatting again when Caden asks "you need to go potty?"  The waiter stumbles over his words, as I quickly say something to cover it up.  However, Caden follows that comment with a "you smell good" and a "did you take a shower?" 

Needless to say I was slightly embarrased as I explained to him that we don't ask strangers about their personal hygeine!  But it did secure the waiter a good tip!


Sippy Cup Mom said...

LOL, that is too funny!

Erin said...

Ha ha ha! LOVE this post!

Beth said...

I've yet to stop being amazed at the things that come from their mouths! They're always good for a laugh!