Monday, June 07, 2010

Happy Kids are More Important than a Clean House

I've been trying more and more to really listen and enjoy the time with my boys.  Thanks to reading other mommy blogs and letting go of come of my OCD, I hope my kids are having more fun than ever.  I'm trying to be a little less strict and a little more spontaneous.

Maybe we don't get to bed at exactly bed time, maybe we don't have a fully cooked dinner because I'm too buy playing outside with them, but they certainly haven't seemed to notice.  My house may never be as clean as I with it were, but after all, happy kids are more important than a clean house.  (Straight from the mouth of my mom!)

I want to soak up my time with my boys, and I want to enjoy their love, hugs, and kisses before they decide mom isn't cool anymore.

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