Monday, August 27, 2012

Elinore's Birth Story - As Told by Mommy

Monday, July 2, 2012 was my due date.  That morning, I went off to work.  I spent my day at work tired and uncomfortable.  Twice that afternoon at my desk, I noticed a sudden warm, wet sensation in my underwear.  I hadn’t peed my pants at all during the pregnancy, well except for when I had that infection, but I knew it was a common occurrence for pregnant women.  So I went to the bathroom each time, and it still wasn’t clear to me if it was pee.  After the second time, I decided I’d call my doctor’s office.  I wanted to make sure I took proper precautions in case it was my fluid leaking. 

I left work about an hour early that afternoon because I was all caught up on my work and had been tired all day.  On my way home, I called doctor's office, and after the nurse checked in with the doctor on call, they advised me to head labor and delivery.  I called Keith when I got off the phone with the doctor’s office around 4:00, asked him to come home, and explained what happened.  

We met at our house, gathered our hospital bags, took a final photo and were on our way to labor and delivery.  I was fairly certain we weren’t going to be staying at the hospital.  I thought I was probably being over cautious and would be returning home later, while keeping in mind that may not be the case!  I was disappointed we didn’t have time to stop and see Caden and Caleb on the way, but at the same time I didn’t want to get them too excited if we would be home later that night too.  Big brothers were anxiously awaiting getting to stay at Grandma’s house for a few days anyway!

We arrived at the hospital around 5:30; they were expecting us and took me right to a room.  They started monitoring baby and took a quick test to see if my water had broken or not.  As we awaited those results, the monitor showed a sudden dip in the baby's heart rate, which alarmed the doctor.  The nurse said they don't know what caused it, and it could have been a brief disconnect of the monitor or movement of the baby, but without knowing for sure.  The doctor came in shortly after to discuss being induced.

I had really wanted to avoid being induced.  I was afraid it was the first step in moving away from our hope for natural birth in addition to stories I’ve heard of it not working or making contractions worse.  Keith spoke up about our concerns and the doctor spent some more time explaining why she wasn’t comfortable sending us home, all the while knowing that if the test came back indicating my water had broken, it would be a non-issue.  Keith jumped right on board, and the doctor spent some time explaining things to get me on board too. 

She explained that the chance of anything bad happening was small if we decided to go home, but still possible and she wasn't comfortable sending us home with that possibility.  I certainly wanted to do the right thing for the health of our baby, but I struggled for a while with the necessity of induction with the possibility the baby's heart rate was fine all along.  She also knew we wanted a natural birth and explained that my chances at having a vaginal birth were not at all diminished by being induced because I had a favorable cervix and had been progressing over the last few weeks on my own.  I was dilated to 3 cm when we arrived at the hospital, as we'd known from my appointment the week before. 

Since I hadn't ate any supper yet, the doctor let me order a grilled chicken sandwich and a cup of fruit, which I was thankful for.  Keith headed out to grab some Taco Bell, returned and we talked and tried to relax for a while before the came by to start my IV and Pitocin.  

I was very anxious, and I wanted so badly to return home.  All along, I thought that was a very real possibility, and I was counting on it.  I held back tears for multiple reasons.  I was upset I didn't get to see the boys.  I was upset I was going to be induced.  I was tired and nervous about what was to come.  Was I really ready for this? 

Early in the evening, the anesthesiologist stopped in to talk to us.  She was going home for the evening since I was the only one on the floor about to deliver, and I was planning for a natural childbirth.  She walked us through everything, so if I changed my mind, we were prepared.  She said once I changed my mind, it would take about an hour for her to be there and ready to go, and another 45 minutes or so to give me the epidural.  While I wanted a natural birth, I also had committed to keeping an open mind should I change my mind during labor. 

Around 7:20 the nurse came in and started the IV of Pitocin.  The nurse explained to us that since I had progressed to 3 cm on my own, and they were breaking my water, that they were going to keep a low dose of the Pitocin going as they thought I may do well progressing on my own still.  Knowing these things helped me be mentally ready and feel better about being induced. 

Around 7:40, the doctor came in and broke my water.  

I hung out in the bed for some time, then after getting up to pee, decided to move to the rocking chair by Keith.  We had the tv on in the background; we found that even if were weren't really watching it, we liked the background noise, and every once in a while it was a nice distraction for me to pay attention to.  

While sitting in the rocking chair my back really started aching.  It started hurting, and it got to a point where I couldn't tell if it was just my back hurting or it was the need to poop.  Ultimately, it was the need to poop, which the nurse confirmed was a good sign that baby was moving in the right direction! 

Things really starting getting uncomfortable after that, and the nurse got a birthing ball for me, which was a nice change of pace position for me.  She gave us some guidance on what to do and how to use it.  She also showed Keith where and how to apply pressure to my lower back as that was the only place I was feeling the contractions.  

I moved around on the birthing ball, which helped, but nothing helped more though, than Keith putting pressure on my lower back.  He said he was eventually just grinding his knuckles into my spine as I told him not to stop and to push harder!  My back was sore for a few days after from all his pushing. 

Around 9:30 or 9:45ish, the nurse said she'd check me again for progress at 10:30.  So between contractions, I was watching that clock; I wanted to know how far I’d progressed!  It was incredibly painful at this point, but having 10:30 to look forward to on the clock got me through each of the contractions. 

But when 10:30 exactly arrived and the nurse wasn’t in the room, I was just irritated!  Just after 10:30, the nurse arrived to check, which meant I had to get back in the bed.  Getting back in the bed was nothing something I wanted to do, BUT, I did really want to know how I’d progressed, so I climbed back in the bed.  She checked me, and I was at 6 cm. 

That wasn't close enough for me, and I couldn't remember anything I'd read about how long it would take to go from 6 to 10 cm.  Keith and I had talked briefly about the epidural before this point, but at this point, I was much more serious and Keith called the nurse back in to call in the anesthesiologist. 

I don't really remember anything about the time it took for the lady to get there to give me the epidural except that once the nurse finished checking me, I wanted back out of that bed.  As soon as I stood up though, witch Keith standing directly behind me, I bent over the bed and peed ALL over the floor.  I don't mean just a little pee, I really let it go and peed.  The nurse came back in and got a few towels to dry the floor and my feet as I was wondering if I’d just peed on my husband.  Keith said repeatedly I didn't actually pee on him, but I'm not sure if he was being honest or just trying to make me feel better about it!

By the time they started the epidural and sent Keith out of the room, I was really struggling to focus on getting through the contractions and both of my labor nurses really had to push me to focus on breathing.  It was either really short rapid breaths or holding my breath, neither of which were ideal, but this is where my labor nurse became even more awesome than she already was.  She held me hand, and let me squeeze the heck out of it and coached me through breathing.  After several minutes of ignoring their breathing directions, I finally got into a rhythm that worked for me.  Deep breaths in a long moans as I exhaled.  I think it may have taken them longer with the epidural because I was really struggling to follow directions and hold still.  

Once they got the epidural in, it was only working on my left side.  I moved to laying on my right side, and went from squeezing the nurses hand to the side of the bed.  Anything to hold on to worked for me, as long as I could hold on tight.  Afterwards, Keith said he came back into the room at this point, but he’d been in the waiting room for about 45 minutes. 

It slowly improved the contractions on both sides, and as soon as that happened, the nurse checked me again.  This time, I was past a 9 and nearly at 10.  I made it nearly to a 10 before the epidural was really working everywhere!  Knowing that, I thought I would regret the epidural since I made it so far; couldn't I have hung on a littler longer?  But, I don't regret the choices made one bit.  I think my husband and my labor nurses had a huge impact on my acceptance of deviating from my hopes for a natural childbirth.

We relaxed for a while; I was really to a 10 by then, but my nurse thought resting  a bit before I started pushing would be good.  I started pushing about 2:00 in the morning, and pushing was tough.  Keith, who was holding my leg on one side, suddenly says: I need to go sit down.  He crossed the room, sat on the couch and was very pale.  One of my nurses got him cookies and juice, while the other stayed with me.  Pushing resumed once Keith was looking a bit better.  I was feeling very weak; I couldn't get enough air to breathe well, and then I started throwing up.  The nurse grabbed a container to catch my puke.  

After that my nurse decided I needed a break and some rest to build my strength to push again and hopefully stop some of the nausea.  They lowered the dose of my epidural, and we went to sleep around 3:00. 

About two hours later the nurse came back asking some questions about how I was feeling and if I was ready to push again.  I was ready to meet baby, but I could have easily slept more too!  This time, I was feeling MUCH better.  I felt stronger again, breathing was easy, and pushing didn't seem as hard as it did before. 

The nurses and Keith seemed to notice a difference this time around too.  I had some feeling in my lower body from the lowered epidural dosage, and I could move some too.  It certainly wasn't overly controlled, but it was a pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting.  I could feel enough of the contractions to know when to push and with the nurses coaching things seemed to move pretty quickly.  Soon after we started pushing again, we were pausing to call the doctor in for delivery!  

I stopped pushing and waited for maybe 15 or 20 minutes for the doctor to arrive.  Once she arrived, the contractions seemed to slow and we had to wait a bit between them, but at 6:10 Baby Haynes arrived into our world.  The doctor held baby up for me to see and prompted us to look and see if we had a baby girl or baby boy. 

I was crying as I saw we had a girl; and Keith, in shock, says "it's a girl!"  Daddy was so sure you were going to be a little boy!

She was placed on me and Keith cut the cord.  I lay there crying in the happiest way imaginable.  A few moments later they took her for a few moments.  Her APGAR scores were 8 and 9.  She came right back to me and for at least an hour just laid there with each other while the doctor finished up and with 4 stiches, stitched my 3 first degree tears. 

As our baby lay on my chest, Keith got out short list of names for the baby for us to name our baby girl.  It was a list of four and I picked Elinore from the list with the intent to call you Ellie too.  Daddy agreed and Elinore you became! 

After the doctor had finished, I became uncontrollably cold.  The coldness was probably the scariest part of the whole experience.  I was shivering, my teeth were chattering, and I was afraid.  I had my new baby on my chest, and I couldn't stop shivering.  They brought me extra blankets and the nurse held my hand under the blankets as I lay there so scared.  Keith brought me some warm water to drink at my request.  I was so thirsty, but couldn't bear the thought of cold water.  In all my teeth chattering, I bit my tongue and made it bleed a bit.  All the while, the nurse was slowly urging me to start removing the blankets as I had a fever and they wanted to bring that down to avoid having to start antibiotics.  Slowly I warmed up and one by one was able to remove the blankets.

I can’t remember if it was before or after the shivering cold, but by 7:10 Elinore started nursing for a good 45 minute stretch!  I had been anxious about breastfeeding being successful for us, and the ease at which we picked it up that first hour gave me some added confidence. 

Our pediatrician came in, who we know from Caden and Caleb, checked you out and diapered you before coming back to me. 

Shortly after that a new nurse came in to give you your bath.  She warned us most babies cry at their first bath, but not our baby.  She was content the whole time. 

Afterwards, they started preparing us to move to another room where we would stay the rest our time in the hospital and bond as a family. 

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