Sunday, August 05, 2012


One of the biggest challenges I've had as I've transitioned to a mother of three is making time for all of the kids.  When one is an infant and needs LOTS from mom, it's hard to make quality time for the older boys.  The first few weeks, I'll admit, I didn't spend a lot of time with them.  Sure I was with them every day, but I didn't sit down and actually play or work on something with them.  The last couple weeks, I've tried to make that a priority.  At least once a day I sit down with each of them or both of them together and work on something.  Some days it's working on a page in one of their sticker books, others it's reading stories, and others it's coloring.  I'm working on it, and we're working on activities to prepare them for kindergarten which starts in later this month!

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