Saturday, August 04, 2012

Random Happenings in Motherhood

Caden and Caleb are loving being big brothers!  They have handled the transition fairly well I'd say.  We've had some behavior issues, which I expected as our family life changed, but I think we've all handled it very well! 

The dog has had the biggest issues with transitioning I think.  Belle was used to being the main attraction when people came to the house.  That's not the case anymore, and she's pushing for more attention

A few days before Ellie was two weeks old, she slept through her first church service.  We watched her big brothers in their Vacation Bible School Program during the service.  A week later, she slept through most of her second church service with only a few moments of grunting. 

Ellie is a champion at grunting.  It is very charming to her Daddy and I!

The first time I left the house with all three kids in tow by myself was to rescue Daddy who ran out of gas on his way home from work.  He had worked late on a night he was to take the boys to the church for VBS after he cooked his supper, so with little notice I had to throw together a meal and get everyone out the door.  Keith had to wait for me on the side for the road for probably 45 minutes and the boys were late to VBS, but we survived!  (I dropped the kids off on the way to get Keith.)  It was further complicated by Caden taking an hour to eat a salami and cheese sandwich.  Yes, an hour!

Our first real outing of me and the three boys was to the grocery store the day Ellie turned 4 weeks old.  It was a smooth success!  With top notch behavior from all!

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