...I asked you to marry me?
Two years ago today, my husband proposed to me.
It wasn't a huge surprise. It was just a few short months after our
world was rocked, and we'd been talking about it...a LOT! We'd looked a rings a few times even. For us, the
decision was already made, we were going to be a family, officially, before God.
It was a Sunday morning; I think we'd stayed at my parents house for the weekend.
We did that frequently before we bought our house. We used their washing machine every weekend!
We were going to church that morning, the potluck meal after church, and the carol sing in the sanctuary after. The carol sing was one of my favorite events growing up in our small community church. Members of the congregation would gather after church and sing our favorite Christmas carols. When I was a child it was on an evening, but times have changed that!
We were a few songs into the carol sing, when hubby's phone rang. Someone from his family had called to say that his grandmother wasn't doing very well and was in the hospital. He quickly left, luckily we had my mom's car and our car at the church. I quickly made arrangement for the boys and followed after him with the help of my aunt.
We spent the early afternoon visiting in the hospital.
We had been planning that day to go shopping again for an engagement ring, but after the days events, I told him that wasn't necessary. It urged him that we could just go home and spend time with the family. He was adamant we still go. I personally thought it was a littler weird after saying goodbyes to his grandmother.
We went to a different store this time to look at rings. I was excited; I saw new things! I had been dead set on a certain type of ring, but after this I was thinking so many choices! We spent over an hour there talking with a sales lady, but Keith wouldn't commit to anything.
Finally, we leave in the dark to head back outside in the snow and slush. We walk out the front door to our cars, because remember we'd driven separately. He walked me to my car door. He may be a gentleman, but he was never one to open doors for me. Mostly because I'm always too impatient to wait, I just do it myself! But he's full of surprises, he wants to talk, outside, in cold, wet, dark, snow! So he stumbles around, looks at the ground, and finally we have the following conversation:
Keith: :What would you say if...I asked you to marry me?"
Beth: Starting to get curious flutters, "Uh now? We're in a parking lot! I'd say, but really? We're in a parking lot!"
Keith: Gets down on one knee, pulls a ring out of his pocket, and says "Will you marry me?"
Beth: Thinking, I just said I'd say yes, but "YES!"
I got the ring on my finger, we hugged and kissed, and then I insisted I get in the car because I was frozen! I got in my car, he got in his car, and we drove across the street to Max & Erma's for supper.
Courtesy of Zales.com |
I swore for a few days I was going to make him re-do it in a more romantic fashion, but I never did.
The Friday before, Camerin had been home sick from school with Keith. Keith had taken him with him that day to purchase the ring. He was afraid if he didn't pop the question that weekend, Camerin would spill the beans!