Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Parenting Class: Week 5

Due to my crazy travel schedule for work, I missed Parenting Class: Week 3 & 4.  Although I was enjoying learning more about parts of my territory and traveling to Minnesota and Colorado, it's good to be back home and getting back into a routine!

This week we wrapped up some of the items covered the past two weeks, mainly praise.  Children needs lots of good praise in words that they can understand, the prior week's homework was to practice this.

This week incentives were introduced.  Incentives are different than bribes in that they come after the desired behavior is completed.  Incentives need to be introduced and shared, then practiced.  When they're practiced, especially the first time they need to be achievable, so the child can feel the success.  They need opportunities to reach the incentives.  Our instruction also said that they should be for a specific desired behavior.

In our house, we've been doing the incentive thing for a few months now, but we'll continue as that is our homework for the week!

Our boys sat down with me and they came up with a long list of house rules.  I turned the long list into a short list that hangs on our dinning room wall.  Next to the rule page is a sheet of paper for each of the kids where they keep track of how many stickers they've earned!  The stickers can never be taken away, which was stressed in our learning about incentives tonight.  When they fill their sheet; we're going to Chuck E. Cheese.  They are terribly excited about this; I, on the other hand, dread it.  Next time, we're going to work toward something we can all enjoy!

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