Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you leaving Mommy? - YES!

This weekend, we arranged for the kids to spend the weekend with my parents.  They haven't spent a weekend with Grandma in quite some time.  They used to do it much more frequently. 

Friday evening after work, we decided we'd take the kids out to dinner to spend some time with them before they left for the weekend.  We invited grandpa and grandma to come with us too. 

On our way to Bob Evans, their restaurant of choice for the evening, they asked if we were going to leave after they got to grandma's house. 

I was hesitant because the last few times they had the opportunity to stay with grandma, they didn't want to.  I slowly said yes, we were going to leave them there.  The response, an excited YES! in stereo from the backseat!

Then Caden proceeded to tell me that that was great because grandma had Scooby-Doo and they could watch movies!

They had a great time at grandma's this weekend, and hubby and I had a wonderful weekend together doing our Christmas shopping and attending a baby shower.  (More on the baby shower later...)

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