Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baby Showers

Let's face it, can any of you actually say you enjoy going to baby showers?

Don't get me wrong, I think babies are a wonderful blessing and we should celebrate it, but showers are definitely not my thing. 

This past weekend hubby and I went to a baby shower.  My hubby's best friend and his girlfriend are expecting and at due in mid to late January.  I know my hubby's friend, but I've never met his girlfriend.  (Awkward point #1)

I also don't know anyone in attendance at the baby shower.  (Awkward point #2)  My mother-in-law had to come early and leave because they had a wedding to attend. 

There was one person there I'd met twice, once at her wedding (she married another of hubby's friends) and once at my wedding.  We made small talk, which in case you forgot from my Thursday post, I suck at.  During the chatting, she asked if I was pregnant.  (Awkward point #3)  I think she missed the memo on what happened earlier in our year.  I was very polite about it, as I know her and her hubby had just been through a miscarriage.

Until half way through the baby shower, I didn't even know which person there was the pregnant girl.  (Awkward point #4)  I've still not met her.  I slid out the back door after the presents were opened to join the men outside before making an early exit with hubby.

Speaking of, hubby got to hang out outside with his friends for the hour or so we were there.  I was rather jealous.

This isn't really deserving of a 5th awkward point, but I did find it somewhat distasteful to have pre-printed thank you notes to pass around the room from a basket after the shower.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I much prefer handwritten or those with a personal touch. 

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