Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Elinore's One Month Check-up

This morning we took Ellie in for her one month check-up.  She's doing well!

She's grown 2.5 inches to 20.5 inches.  She gained weight and is up to 8 lbs. 6 oz. now.  She's in about the 15th percentile for weight.

For about a week now she's had a bit of a rash on her face, which the doctor said was normal and as long as it wasn't bothering her she would be fine.

We touched base again on the spit-up issue too. We're continuing with the medice for now, but expecting that as you grow we'll be able to quit giving it to you.  I'm looking forward to that since I'm not a fan of having to give you medicine so early!

You have a small cyst on your gum that the doctor also said was fine and nothing to worry about.

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