Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sibling Love

We had a bit of a rough might last night. 

When I got home from class around 10, Keith was pushing for turning on the ac.  I was against it, but I wanted Elinore to be comfortable so I agreed. 

We went around the house shutting windows and when I got to Elinore's room, the window was loud.  It startled her and woke her up screaming.  That continued for a good half hour or so mostly non-stop. I gave her a sip of water and walked her around and she'd be alright for a little bit before screaming all over again. 

Finally I walked her into our bedroom where we have some photos of the kids on the wall.  She saw a photo of her brothers and her; their first day of kindergarten photo with me actually, and she smiled and waved at them.   It was a beautiful thing. 

That sibling bond is something I hope stays strong forever. 

After that she had a little snack and went down easily just after midnight. 

This morning when I told the boys what happened they were both thrilled.  Caleb is so excited for her to say brother or  Caleb or something.  It's so sweet, and I know Elinore will advance whens he's ready, but the day that happens, I can't wait to see the smile on Caleb's face!

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