Wednesday, May 22, 2013

7 Years

Dear Caden,

You are seven now!  It seems impossible you're that old, but I love watching you grow and learn daily.

Over the course of the last year you have grown and changed in ways I didn't see come, but I couldn't be prouder of you. 

You are an independent soul and are perfectly content to play by yourself on your own terms using your imagination.  You have an imagination like none I've ever seen.  You are creative and inventive and imagainative.  I wish we could let you 'experiment' more, but some of your ideas are just so extreme we don't have the means to help you make a machine that gives everyone $12 when they come to our house!  I hope one day you find the opportunity to explore your creativity and innovation further.  I can't want to see what you create and event as your grow!

You are a giving soul too and when give the chance to make a purchase or spend some money, you are very careful of thinking how you want to spend your money.  You'll review the whole store at least once and then make many more trips around and revisit your favorite things.  More than half the time you choose something that is for someone else and it melts my heart.  I will do my best to continue to let you give as your heart leads you. 

You can be affectionate too!  More than I expected and more so than your brother.  You are sure to hug me when I leave you at the sitters in the mornings and you often come to the window to wave at my as I leave. 

You are doing well in kindergarten and have made great improvements from the beginning of the year.  Your Daddy has been helping you learn at home and doing your homework in the evenings and you've had an excellent teacher who has helped you along and coached mommy and daddy to better help you!

You are involved in swim lessons, baseball and ROCK Group.  You love swim; beyond that you just love the water!  I catch you playing hte sink, you take really long hot showers, and just love being in the water.  Baseball is something you like, but I think you do it more for the ice cream!  ROCK Group you've liked, but have struggled with some.  You and Pastor Deb have made some deals and you're working on it.  There are so many active kids you can get a bit over energetic sometimes and loose focus.  (Don't worry, we all can get that way sometimes!)

You love Caleb, but sure can push his buttons as brothers do!  You are excellent big brother to you sister Elinore too.  She adores you too.  I love watching you bond with your siblings and I hope you grow to love each other and support each other always. 

Caden, I will love you always.


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