Monday, May 06, 2013

Kindergarten Spring Concert

The second Monday in April was the kindergarten spring concert. Caden and Caleb were excited about singing their favorite folk songs, and they wouldn't tell us what they were singing in advance because they wanted it to be a surprise!

I wasn't sure how sitting through a kindergarten concert would go. Would it be hard; would it be fun? Well, it was AWESOME!

We were a little nervous about how the boys would do, they've never been on stage in front of so many people. The concert was held in the middle school's auditorium and the room was full! When I dropped them off in the music room, they were hesitant and stood together in the doorway for some time! I left to go get seats, and they showed up on stage just fine!

The boys sang and did motions! Another thing I was nervous about. Caden especially tends not to participate in those kinds of things in functions at the church and I didn't know if this would be similar.

They sang along and did so well! We were very please in the audience! Grandma Nancy came for the show too.

Elinore loved the concert too! She stood on my lap and watched them sing and move around with a big smile on her face! And when everyone clapped after every song, Elinore was SO excited! She jumped up and down and flung her arms. I think it was her attempt at clapping like everyone else. She wasn’t so easy to entertain between songs and during introductions, she liked the action! The last song, she got a bit fussy and was ready to go, but she did so well through it!

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