Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Elinore - 16 Weeks

Dear Elinore,

I know you'll be 4 months only in just under two weeks now, but I just couldn't wait to write some things down about what you've been doing.

You're sixteen weeks old this week.   I've been noticing a lot of changes as you continue to learn and grow. 

You hold onto things, but I often thing it's more of a coincidence you got it into your hand that by reaching and grabbing for it.  I'm sure you'll soon master the skill!

You are really focusing on things and learning how your hands work.  I sit and watch you just look at your hands and move them around.  You're slowly starting to reach for things, but you haven't quite mastered it.  You do hold onto things but you often require some assistance to get it to you hand. 

You've gotten to a point where your curious and learning and one way you're doing that is by getting things to your mouth.  If you've got something in your hand you try to get it to your mouth, and you frequently have some part of your hands/fingers in your both, usually from both hands!

You've noticed you have feet and will sit and stare at them.  I think you're wondering how to get them to your hands and mouth, but only time will tell what you'll do with them. 

You can roll both ways now! 

A few weeks ago you started rolling onto your side and falling asleep on your own while you're in you pack-n-play or on the floor.  Once that started happening we worked to move away from swaddling you to sleep at night and you've adjusted very well!  The first night of no swaddle you woke up once during the night and that was it.  For a week or so after we removed the swaddle we did go back to it once or twice to get you to sleep, but we haven't used it in probably two weeks. 

You giggled for mama for the first time this week.  I was changing you diaper in the nursery an tickling you chin and you giggled!  You have this silly grunting nose that your Daddy and I think is you laughing, but this time there was no mistaking what it was, it was clearly a good laugh!  I hope we start to hear it more. 

You are still sleeping very well!  We thank you for that.

Your baby sitters say you are the easiest infant there.  You aren't too fussy for them and are content most of the time.  They say when you do get fussy you just find that little thumb of yours, pop it in your mouth, and you usually settle right down!

You have not missed a week of church since you were just under two weeks old, but you almost always cry during church.  I've learned that it is usually because you are tired, but I think you have a hard time giving in to sleep at church because there is so much to see and hear!  I usually end up standing in the back of the sanctuary holding and rocking you until you fall asleep.  You get quite a bit of attention at church as people watch you grow every week. 

You had your first stuffy nose, but you could hardly tell.  You were still full of smiles for us and didn't fuss too much about it.  You seemed most bothered by it in the mornings. 

I trimmed your finger nails last week, and thought it was going so well until I cut your thumb.  We both cried and your poor little thumb bleed for awhile.  I used a tissue to apply pressure until it stopped, and you really disliked not having your arm to move around while I was holding your hand still. 

You love watching your brothers, and they love playing with you.  Several times a week one of them will ask me if they can play with you on the floor.  Caleb loves to play on the floor with you and some toys.  Caden loves when you hold his finger.  If we're out somewhere he loves to show other people how you'll hold his finger.  You are developing wonderful sibling bonds with your brothers!

You enjoy your Daddy singing, which he does many times a day. 

You perk up when you hear Mommy's voice and start looking around for me. 

Elinore, you are so loved. 



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