Friday, May 21, 2010

A Mouse!?

Well I've been MIA for a week or so now!  It's been a busy time for us!  Expect blogs soon (hopefully!) about our trip to Buffalo, my conference for work, and hopefully Cedar Point! 

Anyway, my husband thinks there is a mouse in our garage.  He insisted that he run to the store that very minute for a mouse trap.  He came home, we ate dinner as a family, and he got the peanut butter out to bait the mouse trap.  The boys were fascinated with this!  They were quite dissapointed they had to go to bed instead of helping Daddy put the trap outside in the yard. 

The next morning at the breakfast table, Caden asks about the mouse trap.  He asks if he can do with Daddy to see if there is a mouse.  Keith explains the process to him a bit.  Keith: "Maybe we'll see a mouse in the trap."  Caden: "And we can see it's footprints too!?"

We still haven't caught a mouse, but Caden asks daily: "Can we see the mouse footprints!?"

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