Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Dreaded Question

There is one question I get frequently, and it always bothers me.  I usually hesitate when I answer.

When people learn I'm expecting, mainly those that don't know me or don't know me well, they ask:

"Is this your first?"

And I immediately cringe, every time.  

While yes, this will be my first baby; it is not my first child. 

When I say yes, which is an honest answer, I feel like I'm not giving fair attention to my boys.  I may not have carried them, but they are still my boys; I am their mother too. 

I always feel the need to explain myself.  That generally leads to confusion and/or awkwardness. 

Perhaps I shouldn't let it bother me so; I'm sure it is one of many things that will arise over the years of our blended family that will bother me. 

1 comment:

Murdock's mama said...

Wow! I didn't even think of this before. I must have been asked this question 34105135 times! What a tough position to be put in! :(