Sunday, February 11, 2018

To Be, To Do, To Be ...

We had a substitute Pastor last week while ours was on vacation.  The scripture came from Mark 1:29-39. 

She talked about the need for rest and prayer.  There is a little of Mary and a little Martha in us.  We need to find the balance between being & doing.  Tiredness is good; it's means we've worked hard and need rest.  Weariness is not so good; it's means we've lost the joy and heart of our work.  Likely this is because we aren't spending out time being.  Our doing can get in the way of our being.  We need to listen to the call of Jesus daily. 

She even said you can start small, you can start with prayers during your showers, etc.  Start small and consistently spending time in quiet prayer with the Lord. 

Doing should be full of joy and compassion. 

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