Thursday, February 22, 2018

Statistics About Science & God

From all the learning I've done over the years; I've learned to become very skeptical of statistics.  I've found that they can be skewed to support your argument.  Things can be rephrased or represented different ways from the same data just to support your hypothesis or argument.  Not to mention how often they are just misquoted in general. 

This chapter in the book Talking with Your Kids About God touches on this too.  It refers to many studies that have been done over the years showing this high percentages of scientists that don't believe in God.  Other studies show different results, but still commonly compared to the general population, less scientists believe in God. 

However, I think the public can misinterpret that data.  We need to remember that correlation does not equal causation.  Further studies show that scientists were not raised in religious homes.  

Now, there are no studies I read on this, but in my mind as I think through this, do you think scientists seek science to fill a void they have from not being raised in a religious home?  Science can't fill the void, only God?  But sciences helps them explains what they couldn't understand. 

"What scientist believe about God ultimately has no bearing on whether God exists."  - Natasha Crain

(Thoughts from my reading of Talking with Your Kids About God by Natasha Crain.)

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