Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Science & God

"But why is the world intelligible rather than chaotic?  If the universe is truly the product of unguided evolutionary forces, as atheists claim, there's no reason to expect that an elegant ordering of nature would have happened on its own.  But if the universe is the product of intelligence, as Christians and other theists claim, we would expect it to be orderly - a reflection of its rational designer."  - Natasha Crain Talking With Your Kids About God

Human reason is more than atoms colliding.  It is more than just some scientific things moving around and bumping into each other.  If this were true, wouldn't we just a response to science around us?  I am more than some reaction to things around me.  I can think logically; I am made in God's image.  We are made in God's image. 

Science opens the door and explains more about God's creation that what we read in the Bible and see in real life.  It explains to us more about how is creation works.  Science and God, work together.  God, created science. 

(Thoughts from Talking With Your Kids About God.)

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