Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The 5 Love Languages

The Five Love Languages.jpg

I finished reading this book yesterday.  I've had this book for years.  I once had lunch with a leader at work who recceomnded it to me.  I bought the book shortly after that and tried reading it, but I never got into it.  It sat on a shelf for years, until I decided to pick it up again recently.  This time, I read right through it, nodding my head and thinking about the relationships in my life.  I thought about Keith of course, but also about how this relates to parenting our kids.  I was so interested in the kids aspect of it, I have bought the 5 Love Lanugages for Children and am awaiting it's arrival to read too. 

I learned how to be a better wife and how to show love to others.  I realized there were things I could easily be doing to show love that I wasn't.  It really was a good read.

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