Monday, July 02, 2012


I've had a weird dream.  It's happened twice now.  I thought it was a reoccurring dream, but thinking through it today realize it's actually building on itself. 

A few nights ago, I had a dream that we were living at my parents place, and I decided it would be a good idea to get a pet tiger.

Yes, a tiger.  Why?  I have no idea.

We had a giraffe too, but it caused not problems in my dream.

Apparently, I wasn't prepared for the tiger with adequate fencing, as the first night I had my dream, it got loose.  It ran around the neighborhood, but we, although terrified, managed to get it back into it's crappy fencing.

And that was the end, or so I thought.

Last night it happened again.  We were at my parents with the pet tiger it and got loose, again.


Clearly a dream in between these was not fixing the fencing!

Last night in my dream, the tiger got out again.  I was very concerned about protecting everyone because the tiger seemed much more dangerous this time, but at the same time we had to try to get the tiger back into his shitty cage!  

As we repeatedly attempted to get our pet tiger back in my dream, it became more and more evident we were struggling and may not be able to do so on our own.  Destruction was starting, and I knew we couldn't let it get too far.

I was hesitant on calling for back up from law enforcement and wildlife patrols because I knew my pet tiger wasn't appropriately licensed in the state.  I didn't want to be in trouble!  And we liked our giraffe that wasn't causing any problems!

There really was no resolution to the dream.  I had to get up and pee of course!

Perhaps there will be a third installment?  Although I kind of hope not.  This was a bit weird. 

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