Friday, August 18, 2017

Job - Thoughts

As I've been reading through the Bible I take two different kinds of notes.  The main page, or the page on the right side of the composition book I'm using is my notes on what's happening; the story, what I'm reading.  On the back of the other page, or the left side I write things I'm thinking or that drive points in the Bible home, or things I ponder on more.  These are the left page notes from Job.

  • Job didn't blame God when bad things happened. - How quick am I to blame God?
  • Satan appeared with the angels, twice.
  • I want to be a friend like Job's friends that come and sit with him for days just to be with him.  (Not the part where they go on to give him bad advice!)
  • Job suffered because he'd been strong in his faith; lean in to Jesus when it gets hard.
  • Job 8:7 "where you began will seem unimportant because you future will be so successful." (Bildad speaking)
  • The book of Job is a long conversation between friends about God.
  • Job & those speaking to him are seemingly getting tired of these long speeches and debates, but they continue.
  • Job sees God as the cause of his pain; his friends see sin as the cause of his pain.
  • Wisdom/understanding comes from the spirit, not age.
  • Job's friends give bad advise & blame his sin for his suffering, but God is growing and testing Job.

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