As I mentioned in my
post yesterday, I had a fantastic weekend!
I've had more fun this weekend than I have had in a long time. That's not to say I haven't been having fun, but I can honestly say I haven't laughed as long or hard as I have this weekend in months.
It started when I took the day off on Friday to host our first ever garage sale. A friend of mine who lives out in the country without traffic, which is a terrible place for a garage sale, brought their livestock trailer over full of stuff to sell too. It sure made our garage sale popular! We had amazing traffic and sales on Friday. At one point, we counted 18 people in our driveway!
The morning was quite eventful too. We had an Amish buggy half way into my front yard parking to check out the garage sale.
We happen to live on a corner. Not too long after that a gentlemen parked his truck just off the corner to stop at our sale. The next thing we know, as he's shopping in out driveway, we hear a car honking from the other road, which happens to be a state highway. Of course everyone near looks to see the gentleman's truck across the street in the ditch.
This was all too much excitement for our poor puppy Belle.
We rounded out the evening with a small gathering of the ladies from my department at work. We ate, we drank, we talked, and we laughed. We laughed so hard my cheeks hurt when we wrapped up the party that evening.
Saturday was another day of garage sale, but it was much quieter and more eventful. At least I was able to spend the day with two of my friends who were selling their stuff too.
Saturday evening, we spent at my brother-in-laws house celebrating his birthday in the form of a cookout. I spent my time with the other ladies in the kitchen drinking wine, talking, and laughing the night away. For once I felt included, important, and enjoyed myself. Which I can say doesn't often happen at these types of functions! With my lack of social skills and lack of desire to interact with many people!
As a side note, I'd like to ask for your thoughts and prayers for a baby girl, who's about a year old that has serious heart problems. I'm not in a position to share more, but if you could keep her and her family in your prayers, it would be much appreciated!