Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Elinore - 8 Month Review

Dear Elinore,

You are 8 months old!

It's hard to believe you are so big when just such a short time ago you were such a little peanut.  Although, compared to other babies your age, you are still a tiny little peanut.  Over the weekend at a restuarnt, you were all snuggled in your car seat and blankets by the door waiting to come in and someone asked if you were a month old! 

We haven't had a doctor appointment recently, so I don't have an update on your actual size, but next month we'll find out!  You're scheduled for your 9 month check up with your big brothers for their 7 year well check.  (7 YEARS! WOW!)

We officially made the switch to cloth diapers over the course of the last month.  We tried it one weekend about a month ago and had lots of leaking issues!  I did my reserach, asked questions (thanks Amy and Robin!), and after stripping the diapers, we started over again two weeks later and we've been using them exclusively ever since.  I think you look cute in them, but I would think you look cute in any diaper! 

You have teeth!  about 2.5 weeks ago I saw your first tooth pop through on your bottm right and just this past weekend I can see a your other front bottom tooth peeking through.  You've handled teeth well so far, but you do get a little extra cranky when they're coming through, and I think you want to eat and nurse a bit more when you're struggling with teething.  I don't mind the extra snuggles, but the crying makes me sad. 

You have mastered sitting up on your own for longer periods of time.  In fact, when I leave with at the sitters in the mornings sometimes you're just sitting there with your other baby buddy playing away with some toys.  It's so cute to see! 

You have certainly picked a few of your favorite toys, like your rasberry teether, Sohpie the giraffe, a pumpkin rattle, your indestructible book and some soft books. 

You are still crawling around with your arms, but not on your hands and knees yet.  You are mobile enough though and crawl after the things you want.  This weekend I sat down in the recliner in the room you were playing on the floor in and you crawled right over to my chair for me to pick you up and sit with me. 

I think you enjoy your play time with Daddy and big brothers before I get home in the evenings, what you guys do, I have no idea, and maybe I don't want to, but you seem happy when I come home.  Daddy really enjoys that time with you too I think.

You're always happy to see me when I get home, although it's often with a sadness and urgency because you're hungry!  I've become used to walking in the door, dropping everything and stripping off my coat and boots as quick as I can so I can get you in my arms.  Your cries let us know it's not fast enough!

You and your brothers are still smitten with each other and I love what you all interact.  I often find you looking for them and watching them play.  They are still interested in you and what you are learning doing.  I even hear about your big brothers wanting to hold you and help the sitters take care of you during the day which warms my heart.  Sometimes we have to remind them some things are best left to the adults though!

As always, we love you very much and are so blessed to have you join our family.  We look forward to watching you grown and learn as we teach you and love you. 

Here's to many more months of Haynes family fun.



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