I noticed we humans often fear God will forsake us in the reading of prayers and songs in Psalms.
There is a reoccurring phrase of: you didn't let my enemies laugh at me.
Psalms & the old testament are talking a lot about protecting people and God - I have to believe this is not a physical protection but more peace with what comes from God. (Psalm 32:10 His love surrounds us; His love is all the protection we need.)
There were several prayers in Psalms for our enemies to fail, be hurt, die, etc. Wouldn't a loving thing be to pray for them to have a change of heart? (Hard to do, I know!)
We are not to be afraid, but we are to fear God.
God focuses on 'his people' in the Old Testament. He crease us and loves us, but to be His people we must choose Him too.
Psalms has a prayer for many needs and situations.
When the Bible says "God said," did he really audibly speak to those people? Or did he speak so that those things happened in His God, higher than human way?
So much evil action wished on the enemy in Psalms. Sometimes it's hard to imagine, but my life has been far from this culture or experience a violent enemy so personally. So I'm not a fair comparison or judge. Yet is there some thought that non-believers be punished. David being blessed will bring in more believers because they see his good fortune?
What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Sometimes victory over evil needs to be over myself in the temptation and selfishness.