Wednesday, February 03, 2016


I finished reading the book of Ruth this morning.

  • There was a shortage of food in Israel, so Elimelech left with his wife Naomi and 2 sons
  • Then Elimelech died in the foreign land
  • Naomi's 2 sons married in that land, then after they'd lived there 10 years, the sons died
  • Naomi heard of food blessed in Israel again and decided to return there, but told her daughter-in-laws to go back to their parents
  • Ruth refused and stayed with Naomi and went to Israel
  • Naomi returned sad and told people to call her Mara because of her sadness
  • Ruth goes out one day to gather grain behind harvesters and meets Boaz
  • Boaz had women workers in his fields and Ruth followed them
  • Boaz allowed her to gather grain behind his workers and share water and meal until harvest ends
  • Naomi told Ruth to wash and perfume and to go the threshing floor where Boaz was working one evening; Ruth was to lay at his feet
  • Boaz awoke and found her, she requested he care for her (as kinship redeemer)
  • BOaz said there was a closer relative to her he must check with first for him to care for her and he sent Ruth home with barley in the wee dark morning
  • Boaz gathered the close relative and town older leaders to witness property transfer
  • The closer relative refused the land while it came with Ruth so Boaz bought it and took Ruth as his wife
  • Ruth bore Boaz a son, Obed, who is in the line of David, who leads to Jesus

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