Thursday, November 08, 2012

Elinore's Four Month Check-up

Caleb and I took Elinore in for her check-up yesterday. 

She's doing well and moving right along.  She's 24 inches long and 11 pounds 8 ounces. 

She's moved up a bit on the percentile charts for height and is now closer to the 30th percentile than the 15th where she was before.  Her weight has dropped down below the 15th percentile.  Her doctor said at this point it was nothing he was concerned about; it was just something he would watch with her next appointment or two. 

She received another round of vaccinations and things went a bit more smoothly this time.  I think I was more prepared for what to expect this time which helped.  She was hungry before nurse gave them to her, so as soon as she was done, I nursed her and she calmed right down. 

She seemed to do better at home in the evening after the shots this time around too.  She was much less fussy and uncomfortable than the last time.  At two months we ended up calling the nurse on call that evening and giving her some Tylenol for her discomfort.  She was very sensitive to the touch in the area last time and extra fussy.  She seemed a bit warm too, but didn't have a temperature when I took it that evening.  We are thankful that she did much better with this round! 

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