I read the bulk of this book on vacation. Mostly while riding in the car. It was a great read and gave me several things to think about.
It was a reminder to me that most of your life is lived in the small weekday moments; the every day lists, chores, activities, etc. We don't live most of our lives on weekends, vacations etc. It's the simple things that make up our story. We may not have this grand major project that that defines our life and work in Christ, and that is okay. Every moment of our small lives should be filled with Christ and the work of his kingdom. We ask for "our daily bread," not our life plans.
I was reminded that I may not always have clear direction, but faith and trust that I am still loved and important.
I am reminded that I am small, in a good way, and that is a beautiful thing to be a small part of God's wonderful kingdom.