A month or so ago during junior church, my boys learned about Jacob's ladder.
Their activity/craft that day was to make construction paper ladders.
The sideof the ladder read: "With God's help, I can." The rungs of the ladder the boys were to fill in on their own.
Caden's said "play." Caden shares what he lives to do. He always wants to play. Very insightful to include God in his daily activity.
Caleb's said "go to heaven." Caleb is people pleaser. He's also looks at the big picture. Which sometimes even I fail to do. Caleb even glued a cotton ball to his ladder and told me it was a cloud like in heaven
My heart swells with pride for them. I'm so glad we found a church in our town that feels like home. The boys love it and are learning from it. We've growing in our faith together as a family and that fills my heart with joy.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Happy Easter!